Web内容可访问性指南(WCAG.2 has been released! 它的要求和影响是什么?

By: 天网科技美国有限责任公司
8 mins

Web内容可访问性指南(WCAG.2由W3C于2023年10月5日发布. It implies that now organizations need to update their digital properties according to the latest WCAG 2.2个标准,如果已经符合WCAG 2.1.

WCAG 2.2 covers a broader area of web content accessibility so that a wider segment of disabled people will be able to engage with the digital content available. Not only all types of disabilities but the new guidelines also address web content accessibility on different devices including desktops, laptops, mobile phones, and tablets.

The updated WCAG 2.2 standards are written as testable statements that are not technology-specific and the general information on success criteria interpretation is given in separate documents. 请注意WCAG 2.2当然涵盖了大量的可访问性问题, 它不能满足残疾用户的所有需求.

What changes does WCAG 2.2 contain?

W3C开发了最新的WCAG 2.2 standards through a detailed process of taking feedback from individuals and organizations. 这些标准是为了满足个人的需要而制定的, organizations, 以及各国政府向国际听众发表讲话. Thereby WCAG 2.2 builds on WCAG 2.0 and 2.考虑到未来的技术. They are also testable with a combination of automated and human testing methods.

在开发这个版本时, W3C在认知方面遇到了一些明显的挑战, learning, and language disabilities. The improvement work is still going on and the upcoming versions of WCAG will see changes in these mentioned areas.

WCAG 2.2侧重于基本的网页可访问性组件, 用户代理的可访问性准则, 以及创作工具可访问性指南.

  • 网页可访问性的基本组成部分

    Full website accessibility depends on various elements/components and some specific changes in those components improve accessibility significantly. 内容、网页浏览器、辅助技术、评估工具等. 所有这些都会影响网站的可访问性. Web developers use different tools to create web content and users explore content via browsers, media players, and assistive technology. 因此,任何组件都不能不可访问.

    此外,所有组件都作为一个实体工作. 如果组件具有较差的可访问性支持, some other components can contribute more to compensate for the website’s accessibility. For instance, 如果创作工具不能创建可访问的内容, developers can work more on direct coding markup or users can use different browsers to overcome accessibility issues.

    Read more on this.

  • 用户代理可访问性指南(UAAG)概述

    UAAG文档是关于制作浏览器的, browser extensions, media players, and other applications accessible because they render web content for users. UAAG 2.0 will help improve accessibility and benefit users with disabilities.

    开发人员将主要使用UAAG 2.0改进浏览器和其他组件的可访问性. Know more about it 标准及支持文件.

  • 创作工具可访问性指南(ATAG)概述

    作者(开发人员)使用的软件和服务, designers, 创作内容的工具被称为创作工具. ATAG describes how to make the authoring tools themselves accessible and create more accessible web content using them for the target audience.

    ATAG is a part of the accessibility guidelines series which includes WCAG and UAAG in it. W3C encourages using ATAG to include all the latest improvements in your websites.

    Details on ATAG.

How WCAG 2.WCAG 2不同于它的前身WCAG 2.1?

改进WCAG 2的目标.1 and creating WCAG 2.2 is to improve accessibility guidance for three major groups of disabled users:

  • 有认知障碍的用户.
  • Users with low vision.
  • 使用移动设备的残障人士.

To fulfil the needs of these users, structural requirements are being taken from WCAG 2.0. Though WCAG 2.2对可访问性有更明确的影响, the working group underlines that not all user needs are met by these guidelines.

The latest WCAG 2.2版本建立在WCAG 2之上.1 and hence it is backward compatible, which implies web pages that conform with WCAG 2.其中2个至少是可达的,并符合工作准则2.1 requirements.

Success Criterion 4.1.解析已从WCAG 2中删除.2. 在将内容更新到WCAG 2时,作者需要知道这一点.2因为他们可能需要继续测试和报告.1.1,如果政策要求他们符合WCAG 2.0 or 2.1.

WCAG 2中增加了新的功能或成功标准.2 are:

  • 2.4.11焦点不模糊(最低)(AA级)
  • 2.4.12焦点不模糊(增强)(AAA级)
  • 2.4.13 Focus Appearance (AAA)
  • 2.5.7 Dragging Movements (AA)
  • 2.5.8目标尺寸(最小)(AA)
  • 3.2.6 Consistent Help (A)
  • 3.3.7 Redundant Entry (A)
  • 3.3.8无障碍认证(最低)(AA)
  • 3.3.9可访问认证(增强)(AAA)

WCAG 2.2 also has detailed aspects of the specification on security and privacy.

WCAG 2的要求是什么.2?

  • 所有来自WCAG 2的新成功标准.2继续支持WCAG 2的其他用例.1

    As mentioned above, WCAG 2.2 is built on WCAG 2.1 and that is why it provides additional criteria to address the use-cases content accessibility of WCAG 2.1 along with more improvements in support for small/touch screen users, along with low-vision, cognitive, language, 学习障碍用户.

  • WCAG 2.采用0一致性模型应用更新后的2.2 standards.

    Web内容可访问性指南.0 requirements document has details about conformance which is essential to meet WCAG 2.x releases. Also, WCAG 2.x releases ought to provide conformance details to show the relationship between new standards and existing WCAG 2.0 conformance. Therefore, WCAG 2.2应该声明一个页面符合WCAG 2.1作为最低要求和所有其他未来WCAG 2.x specifications must conform to its immediate predecessor as a base.

  • Utilize the WCAG 2.0 A/AA/AAA model.

    WCAG 2中新增的成功标准.2 specify the level of conformance they are expected to follow such as A/AA/AAA since WCAG 2.2 uses the WCAG 2.0 A/AA/AAA model. 你应该知道,如果一个网页符合WCAG 2.在一定级别上,该页面应符合WCAG 2.0 and 2.处于相似或更高的水平.


WCAG 2.2当然会给网站/应用程序带来有影响力的变化!

最新的网页内容易读性指引(WCAG) 2.2 are made to improve the digital landscape for people with disabilities. Impact on web content, privacy, security, assistive technology usage, etc. 会因为各种残疾而被看到吗.

Moreover, the WCAG 2.2 document is properly curated with all the technical requirements and supporting documents. Check Web内容可访问性指南(WCAG)概述 ,了解WCAG 2的支持材料和资源.2.

此外,请注意作者不需要声明WCAG 2.2 conformance, they can conform to the latest standards without claiming. However, if they are claiming the conformance then they must include a whole list of information including the date of the claim, conformance level, guidelines title, etc.

Read the official document 以深入了解WCAG 2的详情.然后开始更新你的网页.

天网科技是我们的骄傲 万维网联盟 and IAAP (International Association of Accessibility Professionals) member that help to be a part of the global accessibility community and stay up to date with compliance guidelines.

We offer full-service 网站无障碍修复解决方案, including design, audit, consulting, remediation, maintenance, support, and ongoing monitoring. We aim to make your digital presence accessible to all, ensuring inclusivity. Email at [email protected] or 请求ADA网站可访问性补救报价 .