Joomla 5 has been released with new enhancements!

By: 天网科技美国有限责任公司
8 mins
Joomla 5

Joomla 5 was released on 17th October 2023 after a long process of code sprints and bug fixing. The new version is launched along with Joomla 4.4. Joomla 5 is the major version of this platform that ships along with several new features, 安全性和代码增强, 还有很多其他的改进. You will experience a redesigned and refactored version to work perfectly with the latest server languages.

Well, the good news is; Joomla 4.4 to Joomla 5 is not a migration but it is an upgrade. Joomla 5 had an official release timetable, and it was released on time for its users.

  • Its Alpha 4 release happened on August 22nd, 2023.
  • Beta 1发布于2023年9月5日.
  • Beta 2于2023年9月19日发布.
  • 发布候选- 2023年10月3日.
  • And final release happened on October 17th, 2023.

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开始使用Joomla 5的技术要求!

PHP最低8.1.0 version is needed; however, it is recommended to upgrade it to version 8.2.


  • MySQL 8.0.13 version can be used, though Joomla 5 will give best results with MySQL 8.1.
  • 类似地,MariaDB 11.1.但是,建议使用版本0,即版本10.4.0也可以.
  • PostgreSQL版本16.0 is needed, and the minimum requirement is version 12.0.
  • Web服务器也需要升级:
  • Apache的最低要求是2.4,推荐版本为2.4.
  • Nginx 1.建议为25,建议为1.21也可以用.
  • 需要Microsoft IIS 10.

Try to use the recommended versions for smooth execution of Joomla 5. Although minimum required versions also work perfectly, older versions might not work or create trouble while installing or executing Joomla 5.

What are the new features available in Joomla 5?

  • Web资产和缓存

    myriad enhancements are done in this section to improve the platform’s overall performance.

  • 代码优化

    automatic source code optimization via phpcs fixer made noticeable speed improvements.

  • 管理员暗模式

    Joomla 5适用于管理员和用户.

  • Schema.组织集成

    图式自动激活.org data for organization and site names enhances search engine optimization.

  • 用户界面

    the new Joomla model window for the select button and advancements in dark mode for the Atum administrator template ultimately uplift user experience.

  • 媒体管理

    处理Joomla 5网站的所有媒体, there is AVIF support in the media manager and a feature to exclude archived content from smart search indexing has been added.

  • PHP & 引导程序更新

    Joomla 5 is compatible with PHP 8+ and Bootstrap 5.3.2, which ensures that the platform stays contemporary due to these latest versions.

  • Tools & Plugins

    TinyMCE编辑器更新到6.7版本增加了图像对齐功能. Also, scheduler plugins received many scheduled tasks to enhance system performance.

  • Menu Sorting

    now users will be able to sort the menu the way they want to.

  • 现代技术

    internal code is restructured so that more modern APIs can be utilized. JS Import map support is added for Web Asset Manager and deprecated fixes for PHP 8.2.

  • Extensions & Compatibility

    this latest version introduces extensions like Codemirror 6, Fontawesome 6.4, and its Webauthn Library has been also updated.

  • 增强的安全

    reCAPTCHA plugin is no longer functional and thus removed. Also, events have been migrated to their classes to enhance the security of the platform.

  • 更简洁的代码库

    code cleanliness is one of the profound focuses in Joomla 5. 所有大量编码的清理工作都已完成, 取消对Es5的支持, and older APIs are replaced by new ones to ensure CMS seamless execution.

These advancements will elevate the user experience of the platform and make Joomla 5 a more secure and intuitive version.

从Joomla 4升级你的网站.x到Joomla 5.x

如果你的网站已经上线了 Joomla 4.x then you may wait for some time and slowly begin upgrading. However, 如果网站还在Joomla 3上运行, it needs to immediately switch to the latest version because Joomla 3 is no longer receiving security updates.

Many extensions of Joomla 4 have removed their deprecated code and using updated code. Thereby that will work perfectly in Joomla 5 while other extensions will work with the new behaviour (Backward Compatibility Plugin enabled).

Read 了解更多这方面的信息.

Joomla 4.4 has no features, but it contains new updates that allow a frictionless upgrade path from Joomla 4.x to 5.x.

Before you start upgrading your existing system, it is advised to test the upgrades on the copy of your production site. Joomla 4.4个将在未来两年得到支持. So, you have ample time to upgrade your current site.

Also, there can be some extensions that are not ready for Joomla 5. Visit the Joomla Extension Directory and check which extensions are Joomla 5 ready and which all need the Backward Compatibility Plugin.

The backward compatibility plugin will enable automatically while using incompatible extensions. And once you are sure that the extensions are fully functional and compliant, you may disable the backward compatible plugin with utmost safety.

Explore How to enable website accessibility enhancements in your Joomla website?

Wrapping up

Joomla 5文档 is still under process and developers are contributing to complete it soon ( Joomla 5文档 ). However, some existing tutorials are available, click here to understand how to create a Plugin or Module for Joomla 4, 名称空间规范, 使用新的web资产类别, etc.

Stay ahead of the competition in the fast-paced digital era. 我们审核您网站的核心版本, assess the latest releases for each extension and add-ons for version compatibility and upgrade your Joomla website. 我们提供全面的 Joomla开发服务 including design, development, maintenance, and support. 请求报价 或者伸出手 (电子邮件保护).